Monday 8 November 2021


Do you dream of straighter teeth for that perfect smile? If you do but dread the thoughts of having to wear traditional metal braces, you should consider treating yourself to Invisalign. Unlike metal braces that are easy to see, Invisalign uses a set of clear, almost invisible aligners custom-fit to your teeth to slowly move and straighten them.

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Proper Ways to Brush Your Teeth

 Do you know that some people grow old without realizing that they are not brushing their teeth properly? Even if they go to the family dentist Brampton regularly and they are given tips, they still fail at it. The ideal thing to do is to keep the dental appointments at Kennedy Square dental clinic. Then, you can start learning how you can brush your teeth properly.

Not Brushing Long Enough

Brushing should not be done in a very short time. You cannot expect that you will be able to remove all of your plaque that way. Most people would only take a minute to brush their teeth but this does not always work. You are recommended to brush your teeth twice a day and for more than a minute. Some people would brush more than twice but this is not recommended especially if you use hard bristles to brush your teeth.

Clean Your Teeth in Sections

When you go to a dentist in Brampton to get your teeth cleaned, you may notice that your teeth will be cleaned in sections. This is how you should clean your teeth at home too. You can decide which part of your teeth you would need to clean first but make sure that you will give them equal care.

Choose the Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Do you know the right toothbrush and toothpaste for you? You may get this information from your dentist. Most people are recommended to get toothbrushes with soft bristles so that they can be gentle on the teeth and gums. People can still choose according to their preference as long as they would also choose the right toothpaste. Some are particularly recommended by dentists because they can keep the teeth clean for longer hours.

Don’t Forget to Brush the Tops of Your Teeth

Some dentists may say that you would need to spend 30 seconds on the tops of your teeth. This may sometimes depend on what your teeth would need. If you feel like your teeth would need to be cleaned more, then this will be up to you. Just remember that the motion should always be gentle. Go back and forth to ensure that the deep-seated plaque will be removed. Some of the food particles may get stuck on this portion of your teeth too.

Brush Your Tongue for 15 Seconds

People focus too much on their teeth that they forget about their tongue. Remember that your tongue may also indicate if your breath smells or not. It is also prone to acquiring bacteria. Remove the bacteria from your tongue and you can expect to have fresher breath. 


Another thing that you should not forget is to floss your teeth. You have heard your dentist say that brushing is not enough. You are supposed to floss to remove some of the bacteria that may have gotten stuck there for a long time. Flossing can also help reduce the chances of developing gingivitis. Go to a Brampton dental clinic for your regular dental visits too. By doing all of these things, you can take better care of your teeth. Get in touch with a good Brampton dentist from the websites like Google Maps, Yelp and Factual.

Thursday 27 May 2021

How to Use Teeth Whitening Trays

Do you know that there are a lot of people who have already seen the need to visit their dentist often? Social media has made it more apparent to people that having a great smile will always matter. People make it a point to keep their dentist appointments. They also make sure that they will choose the right dentist Brampton for all of their dental needs. You need to find a dentist who will be able to pinpoint all of your concerns. There are different solutions that are available that can be effective for your needs. Get more details when you check Google Maps.


Should You Use Teeth Whitening Trays?

One of people’s greatest concerns is how they can make their teeth whiter. One of the most affordable options right now is to get whitening trays. You should become familiar with the different types. It will help you a lot. Continue reading to learn more about each type:

Custom-Made Trays - Teeth whitening trays can be more effective if they are made solely for you. You would need to make an appointment so that there can be a thorough examination of your teeth. The dentist will make sure that they will fit perfectly so that teeth whitening can become more effective.

Over-the-Counter Whitening Trays - There is nothing wrong with trying to purchase whitening trays that can be purchased over -the-counter. You can find them in different drugstores. You may purchase them in some retail locations too. All you have to do is to pick up a kit and use the kit according to the given instructions.

Take note that if you would get custom-made trays, make sure that you know when you should get them from your Brampton dentist. Some can be available when you check here.

Are Custom-Made Whitening Trays Better?

It is obvious that custom-made whitening trays are better for the teeth. They will be created specifically for you. If your teeth has some special needs, they will be fixed immediately in order to accommodate your needs. The trays will be used for impressions which means that the moment that you place them on your teeth, they will fit perfectly. The moment that they are ready, your dentist will tell you about it and you can pick them up. You will have teeth whitening trays that are meant for you. Plus, you can actually get whiter teeth after some time.

Is Using Whitening Trays the Best Whitening Method?

It may depend depending on what your teeth needs but for most people, they feel that this can be the most useful. You do not need a dental appointment anymore to whiten your teeth which also means that you do not have to spend as much money. This is compared to whitening your teeth per session at the dental clinic. You can go to Kennedy Square Dentist and learn more details about this. The more that you know, the more that you can decide if this is the best teeth whitening method for you.

Make Sure Your Teeth is as Clean as Possible

To use whitening trays effectively, you have to make sure that your teeth are very clean. Just imagine if something is stuck in between your teeth. It can make whitening your teeth very uneven and problematic. Learn more details when you keep your appointment at the Brampton dental clinic.

Friday 26 March 2021

The Different Benefits of Invisalign

One of your dreams is to have your teeth straightened. In fact, there are different ways that you can straighten your teeth. You may have done a bit of research about the various options but you keep on coming back to Invisalign. This is the option that you can consider if you do not want to deal with brackets and wires. This will allow you to do the usual things that you want to do using your teeth and mouth without the discomfort of the other teeth straightening methods. This can be offered by the right Brampton dentist. You just need to know where you should begin to look. More details will be available when you check Google Maps.

Invisible Appearance
A lot of people seem to think that having braces is cute. It can be cute up to a certain age. Yet, there are some people who think that having braces is not very attractive. If you think that this will make you feel more self conscious about your appearance, you can choose to get Invisalign instead. Some people may not even notice that you have them. Since they are completely clear, people will not get distracted whenever you smile. You can ask your chosen dentist in Brampton about this instead of the traditional braces that you can get. Details can be checked here.

Experience Comfort
Are you curios with the material that is used to create Invisalign? This is made out of smooth plastic. The best part is that you do not even need to think about the sharp edges that you may worry about when you have traditional braces. When you hear about the number of people whose brackets have protruded their gums, you know that having Invisalign may be the better option. There are also trays that are available when you need to keep them first. Just make sure that you will not throw the trays away.

Cleaning Will be Easy
A lot of people are tormented by the fact that they need to make an extra effort to keep their teeth clean when they are wearing braces. They have to be wary of the food that they eat because they do not know when the food might stick. Follow these steps to keep it clean:
Take note that the trays can be cleaned as well. This will be ideal too because you will feel that your whole mouth is clean. It will not take as much time as compared to cleaning traditional braces.

You Can Eat Whatever You Want

This may be one of the main reasons why you would choose to get Invisalign over all of the other teeth straightening options that are available. You will not have any food restrictions unless you have to follow some food restrictions for your diet. If there are some special celebrations, you know that you can choose to eat what you want to eat. You do not have to worry about the pain and the cleaning afterwards. Contact a Brampton cosmetic dentist to get all of the other information that you are searching for now.

Thursday 25 March 2021


A dental bridge is a cosmetic dental appliance that is used when you are missing teeth. It is a restorative process that uses a “bridge” to fill the gap in between teeth where the tooth or teeth are missing. A dental bridge helps fill in the gaps with artificial teeth that restore your appearance and function of the teeth.

Most people get a dental bridge when they have lost one or two teeth in the same area. They do not like having a gap in the location because it might affect their smiles or ability to eat various foods.

The first step to determine whether you need a dental bridge is to schedule a consultation with a Brampton dentist. Your dentist will examine the area to determine if a dental bridge is the most appropriate solution.

In some cases, other restorative dental processes may be more appropriate, such as crowns or dentures. Crowns are best suited for situations where a tooth has cracked or broken off and the base and root are still healthy.

Read More Here

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Know about how to utilize teeth whitening trays from a dentist in Brampton

For maintaining your oral health, you should visit a dental clinic at regular intervals. People across the globe, especially adults have understood this, and hence there has been a substantial decrease in dental decay cases in recent years, which has caused a shift in dental problems for patients. These days, most individuals are rather focused on the quality of their smiles. Dentists in Brampton say that the quality of a smile depends upon the three factors, alignment, shape, and color of the teeth. One of the most crucial factors that determine the quality of a smile is the color of the teeth, and hence teeth whitening by visiting family dentists in Brampton has emerged to be a very accessible and budget-friendly option. If you have a similar interest then this article is for you. The following pointers explain how to utilize teeth whitening trays so that you can get a better quality of smile:


Types of teeth whitening trays: If you visit the dentist, and if they suggest you use teeth whitening trays for the betterment of your smile, then you can choose either the over-the-counter trays or the custom-made whitening trays.

Custom-made: As the name suggests, these types of whitening trays are customized. Once you visit the dental clinic after taking an appointment, the medical practitioner will conduct an in-depth examination, which includes taking the impressions of your teeth and mouth. The personalized teeth whitening trays are created with the help of these impressions, which make sure that they match you perfectly. After they are ready the medical practitioner will ask you to collect them and will explain how to utilize the custom-made teeth whitening trays. It is ideally suggested that you should use custom-made trays because the dentists have access to much stronger peroxide trays, and using the over-the-counter trays requires a lot of care, and if you use them incorrectly and anything goes wrong it can cause gum irritation, tooth sensitivity, uneven teeth whitening, and enamel erosion.

Over-the-counter: The other type of teeth whitening trays available in the market are over-the-counter trays. You can easily purchase them from the drug stores nearby your locality. You don’t need to consult a medical practitioner if you want to utilize them.

How to use the teeth whitening trays?

Coming to the main point, now that you know that custom-made trays are better than over-the-counter ones, here are the steps you need to follow while using them:

1. Make your teeth as clean as possible before using the teeth whitening trays, just to ensure that nothing is stuck on or in between them. Because it can result in uneven whitening.

2. You should check whether the trays fit your teeth, clean them before using them if they are wet, and fill the whitening gel in your trays halfway down.

3. If some gel spills out while fixing the tray into your teeth, hold the tray with one hand, and clean the gel splitting out gently with the other hand.

4. You should wear the trays for 30 to 60 minutes if you have just whitened your teeth, and after that, if you are convenient you can increase the time. You should remove the trays carefully, once they are removed you should get a glass of water and rinse the whitening gel off your teeth.

5.You should take good care of your trays by scrubbing them with a toothbrush or Q-tips, store them in the holders, and ensure that they are kept in a cool and dry place.

The pointers mentioned above explain how you should use the teeth whitening trays. The custom-made trays are better for your teeth, and they should be utilized carefully by taking the doctor's consultation. For more information about dentists, do follow us on Google Maps, Yelp, and Factual.

Thursday 21 January 2021


Teeth whitening is a great way to brighten up your smile. In recent years, all you have to do is walk down the dental care aisle at pharmacies, big-box retailers, or grocery stores, and you will notice a wide range and variety of teeth whitening products from gels and toothpastes to strips and cups.

Many people spend a lot of money on these store-bought products. However, they do not always work. Why? That is because a lot of whitening products are not allowed to have certain ingredients that only dentists are allowed to use in dental-formulated whiteners.

Another interesting fact is that as we get older our teeth will naturally start to change from bright white to yellow. Some teeth may even start to look gray if you have old metal fillings. So, no matter how much you brush, rinse, or use whiteners, you will not be able to turn them the bright white you desire.

To get bright white teeth, the best solution is to talk to your dentist in Brampton about veneers. These are small shells that are installed over the teeth that will look bright white. They are also great at covering up minor imperfections in teeth and gaps in between teeth.