A dental bridge is a cosmetic dental appliance that is used when you are missing teeth. It is a restorative process that uses a “bridge” to fill the gap in between teeth where the tooth or teeth are missing. A dental bridge helps fill in the gaps with artificial teeth that restore your appearance and function of the teeth.
Most people get a dental bridge when they have lost one or two teeth in the same area. They do not like having a gap in the location because it might affect their smiles or ability to eat various foods.
The first step to determine whether you need a dental bridge is to schedule a consultation with a Brampton dentist. Your dentist will examine the area to determine if a dental bridge is the most appropriate solution.
In some cases, other restorative dental processes may be more appropriate, such as crowns or dentures. Crowns are best suited for situations where a tooth has cracked or broken off and the base and root are still healthy.
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