Thursday, 9 January 2020


How many times have you been to the dentist and are asked if you are flossing? Some people say they have been, even though it is not something they do other than just before their dental appointment. What you may not know is your dentist and hygienist can tell when you haven’t been flossing.

Granted, the task can seem like a chore when you have to do it every night before bed. You just want to go sleep instead of spending the few minutes it takes to floss. Yet, you can floss earlier long before bedtime. Some people brush and floss their teeth after eating dinner.

By brushing and flossing at this time, it helps them not snack and drink anything but water before bed. Not only can you take care of flossing but also use it as a way to help curb those late-night cravings and stick to your New Year’s diet goals.

What Is the Benefit of Flossing?

The trapped food particles in between the teeth act as an irritant in the mouth. As they break down the form tooth-decay causing plaque. When you floss, you are stimulating the gum tissue’s natural inflammation response to remove the unwanted food particles and plaque.

It is not uncommon to have some minor bleeding when you first start flossing. However, this will subside once you get into a regular flossing routine. Your gums will also be healthier and less prone to gum disease.

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